Wednesday, September 25, 2013





  1. わたしはにほんのアニメがとてもすきですが、にほんのりょうりはあまりすきじゃありません。

  2. Hi! I’m Ayumi Yoshikawa. I’m 19 years old. I was born in Kyoto, and now I live in Shiga. I used to live in Toronto, Canada and in New Zealand. I love to talk both in Japanese and English. All my friends say that I talk too much and that I’m too noisy. My hobby is to travel and to take pictures. What is your hobby?
    I study Business in Uni. I belong in Double Dutch club and practice 5days a week. We will be able to go and preform in New York if we win in Japanese tournament. Do you play any sports?

    こんにちは。わたしの なまえは あゆみです。だいがく 1ねんせいです。
    きょうとで うまれました。 いまは しがけんに すんでいます。
    しゃしんを とることと りょこうを することが すきです。
    だいがくでは ダブルダッチを しています。

  3. こんばんは、あゆみ!わたしはにほんアニメがすきです。What is Double Dutch club? おもしろいですか?I like running, but now I seldom run because I have no time. However, as I need to go to university for more than 20 mins, I think I have enough exercise everyday. Furthermore, what is Japanese tournament? Do you mean this katakana project? どうぞよろしく〜

  4. In addition, I would like to see what your name looks like in Kanji if possible. My Chinese name is 劉碧萱. And I also want to know my Chinese name's pronunciation in Japanese. どんも〜

  5. こんにちは。いちばんすきなアニメはなにですか?
    Double dutch is kind of a sport. Using the two skipping ropes, people express their selves forexample by dancing or doing acrobatic.
    The Japanese tornament is a double dutch competition that is held in Japan.
    This is one of the performance that I really like so if you have time, please check it!!

    I'm not a good runner but I've always wanted to run to lose my weight. Is there any good route to run? How long do you run for?

    1. Gintama, naruto, and one piece がすきもですよ!I like run outside building, especially like running in the park. When I was a undergraduate student, I usually ran an hour a day. I will watch the video during spare time. Thank you very much!

  6. わたしのともだちもみんなワンピースがだいすきです。わたしはあまりアニメやマンガにきょうみがないのでくわしくしらないけどワンピースはすごくいいはなしらしいですね。
    Wow!! An hour a day?! You really run a lot!

    1. I also like the music within those animates. Right? I once ran an hour a day. Now I almost walk an hour a day as I have to walk to school to have classes. How about you? You live on the campus? And sharing room with others? In my undergraduate study, I shared room with other seven girls. It was really crowded!

  7. I also like the music within those animates. Right? I once ran an hour a day. Now I almost walk an hour a day as I have to walk to school to have classes. How about you? You live on the campus? And sharing room with others? In my undergraduate study, I shared room with other seven girls. It was really crowded!

  8. Sorry for the late reply. I live a station away from the place where my university is located so I take a 3minute ride on a train and 20minutes ride on a bus to get to school. And I live with my parents.Wow! 7girls would be crowded but I want to join there. Is it like having party everyday?

    And I am very sorry, I realized to your old comment today about my name. My kanji for my name is 吉川 歩美. Maybe it is same in chinese but 吉 means "lucky", 川 means "river", 歩 means "walk", 美 means"beautiful.
